You can’t live in Jackson without being awestruck every sunrise by the natural beauty of our great American landscape.
And you can’t help but pledge at every sunset to be stewards of that very same dramatic scape, vowing to keep our air, water, land, wildlife safe.

To that end, we at Roadhouse Brewing Co take sustainability very seriously. We are a certified B Corporation that has committed itself to taking steps towards helping the environment. These steps have gained us an even more distinguished designation among B Corporations as “Best for the World” in the Environment category. This designation is only gained by 5% of companies within each size classification to show an even more concerted effort toward environmental sustainability. Our brewery was built to minimize its carbon footprint. We share kegs, recapture and recycle the heat and Co2 we produce, and have installed solar panels that not only off-set our power usage, but feed power back to the Jackson town grid. Our spent grain is sent to Little Jenny Ranch, a ranch in Bondurant, WY and used to feed their cattle. Everyday we research more ways to lighten our footprint and care for our community.

For more information on what a B Corporation is and our B Corporation status visit us here.
If you have additional ideas of how Roadhouse can be a friend to the environment, please let us know! Please email
Live Deep.